We have learned over the last 2 1/2 years that maintaining a robust immune system is extremely important. While we cannot avoid every case of the flu or COVID, our body’s capability to fight off these types of viruses can help to make these illnesses less severe. Medications and treatments are useful once we get sick, but there are proactive steps each of us can take – even those who are elderly – to stay as healthy as possible.

senior health immunity

Concentrating on specific aspects of their daily routine – such as nutrition, exercise, and stress management – can help seniors to support the immune system’s defense against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, such as those that cause colds and flu.

Ways to Boost Immunity Before Cold Season

Diet and Nutrition: A diet that is antioxidant-dense is vital to supporting the immune system, as they fight free radical byproducts proven to cause damage to DNA and weaken the immune system. High levels of antioxidants are found in many fruits and vegetables. Healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are recommended in lieu of saturated fats. In other words, fish oil and flaxseed are better than fats from meat or dairy. Garlic is a potent virus and bacteria killer, and ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent – so adding these to your diet in abundance is highly recommended. Finally, drinking a lot of water helps cells to work more efficiently and allows the body to properly digest food and eliminate waste.

Herbs and Supplements: In addition to eating properly, there are several herbs, vitamins, and supplements that are thought to support immune health. These include Vitamins C & D, astragalus, echinacea, elderberry, oil of oregano and black seed oil are among those supplements used in the belief they help minimize the duration and severity of illness. They are felt to be most effective if taken as soon as symptoms appear, but are also taken prophylactically by many. Important to Note: Those with any chronic illness or currently taking any medications should consult with their physician regarding any dietary supplement used to boost immunity.

Exercise and Fitness: Routine exercise at a moderate intensity level benefits the immune system in many ways. 2019 research reveals that moderate exercise activates immune system cells, assisting the body in defending itself against pathogens and tumor growth. Those who regularly exercise in this way experience less illness and systemic inflammation. Exercise also helps the immune system fight the effects of aging. Conversely, vigorous or strenuous activity such as running may weaken immune function and leave individuals more vulnerable to viral infections.

Stress Management: Chronic stress can have an adverse impact on the immune system, according to research that indicates that while short-term exposure to stress can stimulate immune defense, stress over a prolonged period may erode the immune system’s capability and increase the chances of getting sick. To keep stress under control, individuals should integrate relaxation techniques such as meditation, prayer, or deep breathing into daily life.

Adequate Sleep: Another healthy habit essential for avoiding illness is maintaining a nightly schedule of eight hours of sleep, which helps regulate the immune system’s function. A recent study revealed that those individuals who slept less than six hours per night (or suffered from a sleep disorder such as insomnia) were more likely to experience colds and other respiratory illnesses.

Proper Hygiene: The main directive of the last few years has been to frequently (and properly) wash hands. This simple act is one of the most effective ways to stave off sickness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Individuals wishing to stay healthy should wash their hands for 20 seconds using warm water and soap before making food, eating meals, touching surfaces in public areas, using the bathroom, or after coughing or sneezing.

The final recommendation to boost immunity and health is easy to achieve here in Florida – that being fresh air and sunshine. Senior citizens should make it a habit to get outside and enjoy the sun in moderation every day. Those who live at assisted living facilities can meet with friends for daily socialization and exercise.

At A Banyan Residence, we care for all aspects of our residents’ health. If you are a senior who lives in the Venice area and are looking for your next move, call us today.