We can all feel a little sluggish sometimes -especially in the morning – but reaching for a cup of coffee might not be the best option! Caffeine is a potent stimulant that causes our bodies to have a stress reaction. Ironically, once you detox your system from caffeine, you will likely sleep better and have more energy. So what is your alternative? Many healthy foods are good for us and provide the nutrients we need in the morning while also making us feel more energetic and alert. So the next time you need a pick-me-up, try one of these energy-packed alternatives that will promote energy and provide a wealth of health benefits.

senior health

  1. Green Tea: While green tea does contain caffeine, it is only a small amount as compared to coffee. But green tea is also a good source of vitamins A, B, C, and E. It improves circulation, stabilizes your metabolism, and contains L-theanine. L-theanine is an antioxidant believed to boost energy levels, decrease stress and anxiety, improve alertness, memory, and concentration and protect brain cells. But that’s not all! It also boosts T cell production and helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. No cup of coffee can do all that.
  2. Wheatgrass: The stems and roots of wheatgrass are often utilized in herbal remedies, and for a good reason. Wheatgrass is packed with chlorophyll, which does more than provide its green color. Ingesting chlorophyll helps to reduce anemia and fatigue, decreases inflammation, detoxifies the body, protects against cancer, and assists with wound healing. Wheatgrass also is loaded with vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, amino acids, and calcium. But its energy-boosting power comes from the B vitamins, especially B12, iron, and magnesium. You can find wheatgrass in various forms, from capsules to liquid extracts, tinctures, and juices.
  3. Bananas: Bananas are a natural source of B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, and both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. But they are also surprisingly effective at boosting energy levels, thanks to the abundance of electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus. Without the proper balance of electrolytes, your body cannot function properly. You may experience fatigue and dehydration when electrolyte levels are low. As dehydration increases, muscle cramps, dizziness, headaches, dry skin, confusion, and increased heart rate can set in. By staying hydrated and maintaining your electrolytes via a daily banana, you can abolish fatigue and brain fog.
  4. Water: Dehydration is one of the primary reasons for fatigue, even when you first wake up. Ironically, most people reach for the coffee that will further dehydrate them! A better plan is to drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning and continue consuming water all day long. This is one of the most simple – yet the least recognized -ways to promote energy and feel alert.
  5. Yogurt: You may be surprised to find out that yogurt fights fatigue, but you shouldn’t be. After dehydration, one of the main reasons for low energy is digestive issues. Yogurt is one of the best foods you can consume to improve and help your digestion. Yogurt is loaded with vitamin B12 and probiotic bacteria that work to bolster immunity and aid digestion. Yogurt improves intestinal health, allowing the B12 vitamins to be more readily absorbed, resulting in more energy and less lethargy. In addition to providing a daily energy spike, yogurt has also proven beneficial in fighting the more serious chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Nuts: Protein stabilizes blood sugar levels and can help to avoid the “energy crash ” which often appears after lunch. It just so happens that nuts are the perfect source of protein – and when eaten with your midday meal – can prevent afternoon fatigue. Here’s a bonus – nuts such as walnuts and almonds are also considered immunity-boosting foods. Therefore they can keep you not only awake and alert but healthy as well. (Read more about the best immunity-boosting foods.)
  7. Spinach: This dark leafy green was Popeye’s favorite for a reason. It is nutrient-dense, providing iron and B vitamins (necessary for energy) as well as chlorophyll. You can get a daily dose of spinach in a salad, but try adding spinach to your smoothie if you don’t love its taste. Its mild flavor all but disappears, allowing you to glean all the benefits without tasting all that nutrition.

If you look closely at the list above, you will notice that these foods are great for energy – and great for breakfast! So the next time you wake up feeling tired and lethargic, try some banana nut bread or a glass of green tea with wheatgrass. Clean energy never tasted so good.

A Banyan Residence loves sharing health and nutrition information. We desire that all seniors live their best and healthiest life.