Diabetes, a chronic health condition endured by over 35 million Americans, dramatically affects the way that your body turns food into energy. People with diabetes have issues relating to insulin, a compound created by the pancreas to combat high blood sugar. Most of the food we eat is converted into glucose for our bodies to use. The glucose entering our body triggers a higher blood sugar count, which is naturally counteracted by the insulin produced. A senior diabetic individual either has a shortage of created insulin or cannot efficiently use the insulin their body creates.

assisted living residence

Diabetes can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. People with diabetes have a significantly higher risk of heart problems, such as heart attacks or coronary artery disease. Extensive nerve issues can also lead to problems in every significant part of the body. There is no magic pill to cure diabetes, but there are lifestyle and medical changes you can make in order to manage the disease. Taking prescribed medications and maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise are the two critical components to living a healthy and fulfilling life after a diabetes diagnosis.

Diabetes Facts

  • Almost 20% of people with diabetes do not know or do not have a formal diagnosis from a healthcare professional.
  • Symptoms can range from unquenchable thirst and frequent urination to blurry vision and mood swings.
  • According to the CDC, risk factors for diabetes include unhealthy weight, age over 25, and even a family history of diabetes. 
  • Almost everyone can conquer diabetes and live a normal life if proper steps are taken. Countless testimonials from diabetics and doctors show that lifestyle improvements will, for many, eliminate most complications compared to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

Caring for Your Senior Diabetic Loved One

Because the recommendations for combatting diabetes complications usually involve an increase in physical activity and eating habits, senior citizens have a more challenging time taking the steps necessary to ward off the disease. Furthermore, any additional ailments of the patient may make the diabetes condition worse. The required daily monitoring of blood sugar levels, essential medications, and food intake are usually too much for senior citizens to take on by themselves. However, careful planning and assistance from family and caregivers give senior citizens a considerable boost in their ability to conquer the disease. 

Senior Diabetic Management Checklist

  • Help your senior family member get a diagnosis from a healthcare professional and inquire about any next steps. 
  • Learn about the symptoms and possible complications of diabetes with your loved one.
  • Fully understand all of the daily required steps to combat diabetes effectively. Contact professionals with experience helping patients in this area if assistance is required.
  • Inquire which medications and food regimens are best suited for your family member. Different medications and diets work better for different people. Inform your senior’s doctor of any allergies or food complications.
  • Help your loved one to keep updated on all other routine health exams, such as eye and skin exams. This will help catch any serious issues before they arise.
  • Muscle helps the body efficiently use and produce insulin. Find out which low-impact workouts your family member can do effectively without risk of injury or strain.
  • Please take note of any changes in health outcomes and report them to their doctor.

Before your loved one moves into A Banyan Residence in Venice, we will meet with you and your loved one to discuss any health issues we should be aware of. We will work with you to ensure that our residents have the diet they need and the support necessary to thrive in our community. Call today for a tour or more information.